AFD/MDA - Fill The Boot - Friday from 3p - 6p!

MDA Firefighters Fill The Boot

Friday, September 1st firefighters with Anchorage, Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport and Girdwood Fire Departments will be staffing the following intersections to collect your spare change for the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA).  Every year the generous citizens of Anchorage help our firefighters raise money for MDA. The funds collected during Fill the Boot are utilized to research prevention and treatment for neuromuscular diseases. Please have your spare change handy to help us "Fill the Boot"!

1.       Fireweed Lane & New Seward Highway

2.       Northern Lights & C Street

3.       Airport Heights Drive & Glenn Hwy

4.       Lake Otis Parkway & Tudor Road

5.       Spenard Road & Minnesota Drive

6.       Boniface Parkway & Debarr Road

7.       Dimond Boulevard & Jewel Lake Road

8.       O’Malley Road & Old Seward Highway

9.       Old Seward Highway & Dimond Boulevard

10.     100th and Victor

11.    Eagle River Road & Eagle River Loop Road

12.    International Airport Road & South Aircraft Road

13.    Alyeska Hwy & Seward Hwy

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