Anchorage Elementary School Wins Award!

Tudor Elementary, won the 2018 Follett Challenge Grand-Prize for its "Young Global Citizens" entry, which showcases what it means for their students to be global citizens, how it impacts their learning, their perspectives on the world and the impacts they can have on it. Watch as we surprised them with the exciting news with a little help from our friend, @thelivbits!

The Follett Challenge is a nationwide award that recognizes and awards innovation in schools. Along with innovation, they look for programs that are collaborative, and foster future ready skills for our youth. The competition had many layers along the way and in February, the division winners were announced. Tudor Elementary School won the Elementary division!

Tudor Elementary will receive $60,000 in supplies and funds. The Young Global Citizens from Tudor Elementary, also made a promise to donate to other schools in need in Houston, TX after the hurricanes and in California schools effected by the wildfires.

Congratulations to Tudor Elementary!

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